XML is out of control.
The insidious little creature has ingratiated itself with the Java standards committees, which themselves were long ago bought and sold to the unholy behemoths that stuff the latest JEE turd down our throats. Under their tutelage, XML has become the configuration file format of the 21st century; we can't get away from it in Java development. The two major build systems use it. The entire JEE spec is predicated on it. Spring, which has always been billed as the solution to the mistakes of JEE, prides itself on its XML configuration. Hibernate, which despite its flaws is worlds better than JDBC access, requires us to do our ORM in glorious, repetitive XML.
This has got to stop.
XML is a markup language; that means it is supposed to contain human-understandable text and information about that text. It was designed to be flexible to ensure adapting to arbitrary formats is easy. Whichever side you're on of the OOXML/Office XML debate you're on, the fact that the document is represented in XML is a win for all developers.
The flexibility, which has been the key to XML's wild success, has also been contorted by eager Java beavers to twist it into a general-purpose configuration language. Now it's debatable whether an XML representation of, say, a properties file is any worse than a simple key/value listing, but I would argue that at least it's not worse. However, when you start mapping database table schemas to XML, inserting namespaces for different kinds of constructs, and attempting to integrate those configurations with other programs, you wind up in a nasty place quick. On top of that, some people have even begun to hack procedural logic into XML (see the antcontrib tasks and the JSP tag library). Suddenly your XML has become a crappy approximation of a programming language. At this point, why aren't you better off using a programming language? As the XML gets more and more hairy, the parser grows similarly hairy -- just so you can map your XML into Java. But why are you trying so hard to keep your configuration in XML anyway? So it can be portable? (What other app is going to use Spring's application-context.xml?) So other languages can read it? (Ruby doesn't need a Hibernate XML file for ActiveRecord and never will.) Even if you do think of a good answer to that question, is it worth the ugly creeping horror that is your configuration parser?
If you need a programming language, don't be afraid to use one.
All right, so maybe Hibernate can't read the database for the table metadata for some reason (though I'm still not convinced that it shouldn't at least try). What's wrong with using Java to describe the schema instead of XML? It's not like it's not going to wind up in Java anyway, and the extra level of indirection doesn't buy you anything. At least use Java (or Ruby, or something useful) to generate the XML if you insist on having it; at this point, reconfiguration becomes the same as refactoring, and a good Java IDE is immensely helpful with that.
(Thankfully, Spring has finally started work on a Java configuration option, and it is tasty.)
Bottom line, guys and gals: the right tool for the right job. XML is not always the right tool, so don't use it when it isn't.